copyright © 2006 Dennis Paul Himes

The contents of this page are preliminary. They won't become canonical until the first version of the Tale of Tifa Walbatnuwa Siina is up. - DPH

The SSildifian Calendar

Multiyear Units

An epoch (bezmaambit) is 576 years (beznoit) (780 terrestrial years).
An era (daabezmaambit) is 3 epochs (1728 years (2341 terrestrial years)).
An age (bezumit) is 3 eras (5184 years (7022 terrestrial years)).
An eon (daabezumit) is 3 ages (15552 years (21066 terrestrial years)).
A metaeon (daadaabezumit) is 3 eons.
A metametaeon (daadaadaabezumit) is 3 metaeons.

Years are written year'epoch'era'age'eon'metaeon'etc. Numbers left off to the right are assumed to be "2". So "134" is the same as "134'2" and "134'2'2", etc. (Context often determines how much is written.) The SSildifian Empire was founded in 1'2.

The Year

The Umutonian year is a little more than 427 ½ Umutonian days. A calendar year is either a short year of 427 days or a long year of 428 days. In each epoch (576 year period) there are 244 short years and 332 long years. All even numbered years are long, as are years which are either an odd multiple of 13 or one more than an even multiple of 13. In addition, the first year of every other era (1728 year period) is long, starting with 1'1'3.

The year is divided into eight months (walneenfeenomiit). They are, starting with the Southern Hemisphere spring equinox:

SSezzbezit36 days
AAzzbezit71 days
IIvbezit71 days
Xubezit36 days
Mubezit36 days
Sembezit71 days
Taadbezit71 days
Peebezit35 or 36 days

Some major holidays during the Imperial era were:
1-3 SSezz.New Year'sentire empire
31 SSezz.Emperor's Birthdayentire empire
1 AAzz.New Monthentire empire
24 AAzz.Neetta's Dayentire empire
1 IIv.Solsticetropical and southern islands
1-8 IIv.Winter Festivalnorthern islands
13-20 IIv.Summer Festivalsouthern islands
52 IIv.Tower Festivalentire empire
1 Xu.New Monthentire empire
17 Xu.Patsesifit (Bridge Day)entire empire
1 Mu.Equinoxentire empire
1-3 Mu.Equinoxtropical islands
1 Sem.New Monthentire empire
69 Sem. - 5 Taad.Winter Festivalsouthern islands
1 Taad.Solsticeentire empire
1-3 Taad.Summer Festivalnorthern islands
1 Pee.New Monthentire empire

Note that the solstices and equinoxes were always celebrated on the first of the month, even though astronomically that wasn't always the exact day.

There were many other holidays celebrated over greater or lesser areas, some on only one small island. The above list will be updated soon with more of the widespread ones.
