copyright © 2005-2006 Dennis Paul Himes

The contents of this page are preliminary. They won't become canonical until the first version of the Tale of Tifa Walbatnuwa Siina is up. - DPH

Seezzitonian Pronouns

See the section on nouns for further explanation of cases.

Personal Pronouns

1O: first person ordinary
1I: first person intimate
2: second person
There are no true third person personal pronouns. Instead general nouns, such as su "the woman" or tit "the thing" would be used.

In the first person, intimate means "the speaker and the hearer(s) and no one else". Ordinary means "not intimate", i.e. not including the hearer or including someone other than either the speaker or hearer.

First person intimate singular is used for certain rhetoric purposes, such as stage soliloquies, talking to oneself, or certain oaths.

Independent Cases

1O 1I 2
S bo be nnii
P bob bee nniinn
S -- bee nnee
P bobee beebee nniinnee

Adjectival Cases

The Genitive Cases

1O 1I 2
S boyu beyu nnyu
P bobyu beeyu nniinnyu
S bowu bewu nniiwu
P bobwu beewu nniinnwu
S bodu bedu nniidu
P bobdu beedu nniinndu

Other Adjectival Cases

1O 1I 2
Abessive "lacking"
S bobau bau nniibau
P bobau beebau nniinnbau
Adessive "near"
S bomeemu bemeemu nniimeemu
P bobmeemu beemeemu nniimeemu
Comitative "with"
S bopetu bepetu nniipetu
P bobetu beepetu nniinnbetu
Inessive "in"
S boddu beddu nniiddu
P bobddu beeddu nniinnddu
Locative "at"
S bomu bemu nniimu
P bobmu beemu nniinnmu
Prolative "through"
S bosessu besessu nniisessu
P bobzessu beesessu nniinnzessu

Adverbal Cases

1O 1I 2
Abessive "lacking"
S bob beb nniib
P bobab beeb nniinnab
Ablative "from"
S bof bef nniif
P bobef beef nniinnef
Adessive "near"
S bomeem bemeem nniimeem
P bobmeem beemeem nniimeem
Accusative (direct object)
S boj bej nniij
P bobaj beej nniinnaj
Associative "in a way associated with" "with respect to"
S bom bem nniim
P bobom beem nniim
Benefactive "for"
S bosttap besttap nniisttap
P bobzddap beesttap nniinnzddap
Causative "caused by"
S bov bev nniiv
P bobav beev nniinnav
Comitative "with"
S bopet bepet nniipet
P bobet beepet nniinnbet
Distributive "per"
S botet betet nniitet
P bobdet beetet nniinndet
Illative "into"
S boveb beveb nniiveb
P bobeb beeveb nniinnveb
Inessive "in"
S bodd bedd nniidd
P bobadd beedd nniinnadd
Instrumentive "using"
S bott bett nniitt
P bobodd beett nniinndd
Locative "at"
S bobib bebib nniibib
P bobib beebib nniinnbib
Prolative "through"
S bosess besess nniisess
P bobzess beesess nniinnzess

Other Pronouns

The following pronouns are all declined as if they were nouns.
interrogative pronounbeubebabobitbee
"someone, something"lulalolitlee

The relative pronoun lulu is declined separately for the initial lu and the final lu. The first is declined to agree with the antecedent, and the second is declined according to its role in the dependent clause. If the first's form ends in an unvoiced consonant, it becomes voiced.
